The Zoom Hall Of Fame 2006

Aline Toupi

The Zoom Hall Of Fame 2006
Alisa Besher
Zoe Costello
Lynese Browder
Keiko Yoshida
Pablo Velez
David Toropov
Jared Nathan
Jessie Ogungbadero
Caroline Botelho
Kenny Yates
Ray McMore
Claudio Swartz
Rachel Redd
Kaliegh Cronin
Frances Domond
Buzz Barrette
Eric Rollins
Aline Toupi
Garret DiBona
Matt Runyon
Estuardo Mazzu
Mike Hansen
Kortney El-Savio
Shing Ying Shieh
Cara Harvey
Kyle Larrow
Maya Morales
Francesco Singh
Nick Henry
Taylor Garron
Noreen Raja
Emily Marshall

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Hi, I'm Aline.

My cat loves listening to the toilet flush.My nickname is Lenie (Lean-ee.) I think other ZOOMers would say I'm silly, hyper and sensitive (about some things.) I'd also say I'm thoughtful and caring. I love to dance! My whole family does. I live with my mom, dad and younger brothers (they're twins!) and my cat, Rosie. One of my favorite things to do with my family is have a picnic at the beach. No matter where I am or who I'm with, you can always find me singing. I even sing when I'm by myself!

I collect shells and jewlery.On the ZOOMset, I'm famous for my Spanish Cooking Show, but my favorite CafeZOOM treat is Peanut Butter Bees. I love all of the ZOOMgames, especially Mixed-Up Sports Relay, because they're great for when you're feeling Sha-Goo (my made-up word for feeling very hyper.)

To all the ZOOMers out there: Thanks for watching and sending in such great ideas! Remember if you work hard and be yourself, you can reach your goals because no one can stop you from being you.
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