The Zoom Hall Of Fame 2006

Caroline Botelho

The Zoom Hall Of Fame 2006
Alisa Besher
Zoe Costello
Lynese Browder
Keiko Yoshida
Pablo Velez
David Toropov
Jared Nathan
Jessie Ogungbadero
Caroline Botelho
Kenny Yates
Ray McMore
Claudio Swartz
Rachel Redd
Kaliegh Cronin
Frances Domond
Buzz Barrette
Eric Rollins
Aline Toupi
Garret DiBona
Matt Runyon
Estuardo Mazzu
Mike Hansen
Kortney El-Savio
Shing Ying Shieh
Cara Harvey
Kyle Larrow
Maya Morales
Francesco Singh
Nick Henry
Taylor Garron
Noreen Raja
Emily Marshall

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Hi! I'm Caroline.

I like to swim, go tubing and work in the garden.I think I'm funny, silly and crazy. Other ZOOMers would probably agree, and say that I'm also a good friend. My family is really great! Besides my mom and dad, I have a brother and sister. They've given me the nickname "Carolinamoon" because my Dad and Grandpa used to sing me a song about "Carolina Moon Keep Shining." We also have a bunch of pets: a dog named Katie, a bunny named Zoe, two fish and many more!

Funny habits? I sing in the shower.On the ZOOMset, I'm famous for my imagination. Have you seen the snapshot of the fairyland I made in the ZOOMroom, our hang out place when we're not on the set? Check it out in the Behind the Scenes Virtual Studio. It's very cool. My favorite ZOOMactivity is the ZOOMsci Dancing Raisins. See if you can make some raisins dance!

And to all the ZOOMers out there: Hope you enjoy the show! We have a blast making it. You should see all of the funny bloopers that happen. C'mon and ZOOM!
Caroline's signature
Caroline Snap 1
Caroline Snap 2
Caroline Snap 3

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